New Leaves, Same Tree

I find it ironic how the seasons of my life tend to match up with the seasons of the year. This past autumn I felt the Lord remind me that “the leaves change, but the tree remains the same.” It was hard to find comfort in that in the midst of all the changing colors and unknowns in my life at the time but now, staring at bare branches, I see He was right. Taking a closer look, I can even see buds starting to march their way out onto the branches.

Bare Tree

God taught me a lot this winter. That He is my Stability and I can trust His voice- what He promises, He will bring to pass. To trust that in the midst of uncertainty, He is doing deep root work that is exactly what I will need to sustain new growth in a new season.

This winter I continued being a house mentor for CGA but got almost all new housemates in January. I got challenged and encouraged when I made it out to the OneThing conference in Kansas City for the 3rd New Year in a row. I said goodbye to a lot of amazing friends as they moved around the country and across the globe. I saw a new side to Searchlight in January as I coached a group of returning Racers for the first time. My job at the front desk of Adventures ended but led into the biggest change of my last couple months…

I officially signed on to be the Creative Director* of the Worship Track of CGA! If any of you have followed my story for a while you have heard me mention this worship school before. I was a part of its forming in the spring of 2013 and although my role within it has changed a few times, my heart has never really put it aside.

The CGA (Center for Global Action) is a sort of discipleship school for people who have gone on the World Race, Passport, or other Adventures’ trips. There are a few different tracks (like focuses or majors) to choose from and the Worship Track is one of them. It’s actually less about the musical side of worship (although that is part of it) and more about the lifestyle. Seeking the Father’s heart like David and learning what it takes to live with that in focus. Training spiritual leaders with healthy perspectives on identity and ministry that will affect any field they choose to go into.

2-14 1st Burn Set

Singing at the Burn! That’s me in the middle.

Jam session during worship track.

Allan & Josh leading a jam session during worship track.

As someone who’s always avoided leadership, this new role has been very stretching. It has it’s perks though, after a year and a half of living in Georgia, I can now give people a definitive answer when they ask what I do here. (Don’t worry, I won’t get too attached to the idea.) It’s also teaching me how to thrive under greater levels of stress and responsibility while prioritizing my vital relationships with God, close friends and family. God has been so good throughout this time though, and provided multiple opportunities for growth and rest.

Speaking of stretching, currently, I am in the middle of 3 1/2 weeks of being in charge of worship track. Josh Rene, our fearless leader, is currently in Cambodia establishing a new Adventures base, leaving the 15 apprentices of worship track in my hands.**

So, life is a little crazy and a lot fun right now. Studying, teaching, facilitating, planning, mentoring… 3 months ago, I could not have seen myself where I am now or planned how to get here but I love it and am I’m so excited for what’s next! Stay tuned, it may involve Guatemala for a week and Europe for a little longer!

I want to thank each one of you that have kept in touch, read my blogs and supported me over this last year. You have encouraged me and kept me going more than you know. As you may have guessed, my new role at Adventures does not come with a paycheck and a 401k. The staff at CGA (and most of the Adventures staff) raise their own support and I am no exception. I would appreciate it if you would prayerfully consider financially partnering with me to continue to train and raise up young people to keep the love of God first in their hearts and minds and spread it to the nations. You can give a one-time gift or sign up for monthly donations through the Adventures page ( > donate > Adventures Staff) or follow this link to it directly Just put my name in the memo and it will go to the right place.

I will continue to keep you all updated. Feel free to call, message, or contact me at anytime. I’d love to answer any questions, hear what’s going on in your life, and just stay in touch. Email me your mailing address if you’d like to receive any newsletters I mail out.

Thank you so much! You all mean the world to me.

*One of the benefits of creating a new role, they let you choose your own title. (jk… kinda) Little did they know…

** I have actually staged a coup and taken over worship track completely. Creative directors can do this sort of thing. The world is now mine.


1 thought on “New Leaves, Same Tree

  1. Thanks for sharing all this! I’m excited for what the Lord is doing in and through you! I wish I could support you financially (shout-out from one missionary to another!), but know that I’m praying for you!

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